How Might We Spread HIV Awareness To Black Teens In Metro Atlanta

Around the world, there is a sickness that impacts light and dark, rich and poor...everybody. This sickness is known as HIV. HIV is deadly but can be treated with proper funding and resources. The difference between dying from HIV and living with it is the dollar bill. Think of this scenario: you have just been diagnosed with HIV and the only way to save your life is to pay for a 10,000 dollar treatment plan up-front. Not everyone has that type of money. Money is the problem because only the rich will be able to survive. There will be no social balance regarding the disease creating inequity. Think of Magic Johnson. He is rich and can pay for his treatment, but someone with less resources cannot do so. Be aware of this injustice so that you are less likely to contract HIV, and to help spread awareness about this injustice worldwide. We're going to use our knowledge of HIV to inform black teens in metro Atlanta via informative pamphlets in condom boxes and we hope to educate young men and women about the threat of HIV.

We have been creating prototypes to help us continue to spread awareness. We have failed and failed multiple times before, but we have come up with a few ideas

SnapChat Filter

The Snapchat filter will appear on pictures on the Snapchat app in the inner city areas. People who use the app can then send it around to spread awareness and promote our website. Snapchat is a very popular app in the youth these days, so we feel our idea will be very effective.